Year 2
As a team we continue to build on and develop the children's ability to be independent and resilient learners. We encourage the children to use a variety of self-help strategies including 3B4ME, (3 before me), Help Desks and Learning Partners and to develop ownership of their own learning experience.
The KS1 curriculum has been carefully mapped out through the teaching of discrete subjects within an over-arching topic as well as allowing areas of Mathematics and English to be linked and developed through the children's Learning Journeys such as directional vocabulary through the journeys we take and recounts based on real life experiences and visits. We strive to make learning fun and hands on using a variety of starting points, trips and workshops in School.
Through Class Presentations the children are able to share their learning with the rest of the School and Parents/Carers, showcasing the broad and balanced curriculum they are accessing. Home learning opportunities will be made available for you to be able to support your child with the consolidation of key skills.