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School Routines

Spalding Parish Church of England Day School is an voluntary aided primary academy for children from the ages of four to eleven years.

Children join the school in the Foundation Stage and move on to Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2). Year 3 signifies the change Key Stage 2 which lasts until the transfer to secondary school at the end of Year 6.

As a school we operate as four Phases: EYFS which includes the Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 which includes Years 1 and 2, Lower Key Stage 2 which includes Years 3 and 4 and Upper Key Stage 2 which includes Years 5 and 6.

Doors to classrooms open from 8.35 am for KS2 and 8.40am for EYFS and Key Stage 1. We ask that children do not arrive at school before this time for their safety as the playground will not be supervised.

The safety of your child is paramount and it is for this reason that we ask you to come to the office when entering school at any time other than the normal start and end of the day. We have an electronic system for signing in and out and ask all visitors to sign in and wear a badge identifying them to children and staff.

Whilst we encourage children to bring a snack for break time, we do encourage healthy snacks and do not expect children to bring crisps or chocolates bars although they can have them as part of a balanced diet within their packed lunch, should they choose to bring one.

Hot school lunches are cooked on site in the school kitchen with an online ordering system provided for parents/carers to order meals. Free hot meals are available for pupils eligible for free school meals and for children in the Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 through the Universal Infant Free School Meals strategy. Water is provided to all children in school throughout the day, all we ask is that you provide a full clean bottle each day to be filled once empty.

The School Day Doors to all classrooms open at 8.35 am however the official timings of the day are as follows:

Foundation Stage 2, Year 1 and Year 2 8.40 – 3.10

Year 3 and Year 4 (LKS2) and Year 5 and Year 6 (UKS2) 8.35 – 3.20

School Lunchtime is split 12.00 – 1.00 or 12.30 – 1.30